Tyson Lattimore
(208) 214-4453
Most people think that pugs are cute, smushy-faced, and are typically friendly dogs. From their googly eyed prancing to their snotty slumbers, they somehow still remain to be charming 24/7. My name is Tyson Lattimore. Growing up, I was the son of a veterinarian and I sometimes was able to go into work with my father at the animal hospital where he worked for many years. I would get to see all of the animals that were my father’s patients and I sometimes was able to help my father calm them down if they were scared during their appointment. I’ve always had a way with animals and I especially enjoyed being around dogs. I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps to become a veterinarian and I’m happy that I did so because I love my job. When I get home from a long day at work, I come home to chaos! I started off with one pet, a pug named Jojo, and he has had puppies numerous times with another dog of mine, so the number of pets that I have is constantly fluctuating. Both pugs and pug puppies are cute. They’re also very friendly and loyal pets! Unfortunately, they can be susceptible to a number of breed-specific illnesses that can sometimes be pretty tough to handle. I started and have maintained this website for fellow pug owners or admirers to turn to for guidance! My website can help fellow pug owners and pug lovers discover more information about how to take care of their furry friends. However, when your pet, for example your pug, is having a serious health problem, your local veterinarian should always be the first source or person that you turn to for advice!