With the ever evolving technology that surrounds the medical and health care industries, there are quite a few things available today that were not a handful of years ago. Lasers to perform delicate, intense surgical procedures; prosthetic limbs that have mechanical parts; and even technologies behind X rays, MRIs, and CT scans have come leaps and bounds. One area that has seen quite a bit of revolutionary technology come through its door is the animal health care field. With the number of pet owners continually growing, it is no surprise that an emphasis has been put on providing quality care for animals in addition to the humans that own them. Knowing about this technological infusion in combination with dog health problems might be the right formula for saving more dogs and cats than anyone ever thought to be possible.
There are little things to know about dog health than some might expect. It is not as simple as owning a pet and feeding them. In many cases, dog health can be heavily influenced by the specific diet a dog might be on. Pug health, to be a little specific, has to do with one of the more fickle breeds known to the canine species. There are a few common pug health problems that require a little more attention than most breeds. Pugs have large eyes, a long tongue, and wrinkles on their head that require regular cleaning. One of the more common dog health issues with Pugs is eye prolapse, which is where their eye will come out of socket and require veterinary attention. This can be a problem caused by owners using too tight of a leash instead of a harness. Another dog health issue that surrounds Pugs is being called overweight or obese because of their miniature body type. Something to note for potential Pug owners would be that, even though they act hungry, Pugs will eat anything until they are ripe as a watermelon in August.
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