If you are in the market for a pet, specifically looking at dogs and puppies, then pet shops can be a good place to start. You can find a wide variety of dogs and puppies for sale at pet shops or through private owners. Many of these dogs and puppies are pure bred or raised by farms who take good care of the animals. However, pure bred dogs and puppies are perfect in almost every way. They have been trained and disciplined so they are already house trained. When buying a puppy there are some things to look for. You will want to look for a puppy that is not overly excitable but is not too lazy either. With this you will be guaranteed to get a good mix of personality.
One of these breeds which is perfect for many reasons and can be found in pet shops is a Cavachon puppy. They are a mix between a full bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a full bred Bichon Frise. The positives of this breed is that they are quiet and do not bark a lot, which is uncommon among little dogs and puppies. They are mellow, gentle yet playful, and sporty. Cavachons are great with children and other pets, especially cats, which is great if you want to bring a dog into an all cat household. Cavachon puppies are considered hypoallergenic dogs because they shed very little. Cavachons should receive a weekly bath and a visit to a professional groomer twice a year.
Buying dogs or puppies can offer companionship for the elderly. Some of the advantages of having a dog, as research states, is that owning a pet decreases the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Spending quality time with your pet can increase the seratonin and dopamine levels in your brain, which also lowers your anxiety and increases an over all feeling of well being. Pets also encourage routine, laughter, and exercise, which can boost your immune system. Continue reading here.
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