Silence filled the room. The dog’s food and water bowl had been put away. Even though the family would still be finding small evidence of dog hair throughout the house for many weeks to come, the other evidence had been stored away or thrown out. The chew toys were in the trash. The dog bed and kennel had been cleaned and put in the basement storage area. The lack of all of these things and the silence were a reminder of the sadness that filled the house.
After the family ignored the initial signs of the family pet’s failing health, they then struggled to face the fact that veterinary appointments were often more expensive than the family could afford. In hind sight, however, it looks as if the annual check ups that were missed the last two years could have avoided the dog’s final decline. Angered and sad that they had let the health of their family pet go for the sake of a few dollars, the family members were having a difficult time.
Pet Health Is an Important Aspect of Owning a Cat or a Dog
While it may have been true that a century ago families had cats and dogs who lived outside and helped maintain and protect a property, today’s pet owners often take a more personal approach to the animals that they own. And while many pet owners fear the cost of expensive emergency procedures and extended treatments, pet wellness plans can help maintain a pet’s health.
Pet insurance plans make these well visits more affordable and more predictable. Much like insurance plans for humans, animal care health plans also cover basics like annual shots and check ups. Some pet health insurance plans also cover the initial cost of an appointment to diagnose an unknown condition. Pet health, like human health, is easier to maintain if pets and patients keep regular appointments for check ups. Senior dog care also helps pet owners care for their important and loved pets.
Do You Feel Like Your Pet Is a Member of Your Family?
Today’s pet owners treasure their animals. Celebrating their birthdays, scheduling play dates, and taking their pets on family vacations are all signs that for many families a pet is an integral part of the family. For these owners is simply makes sense to care for the health of their animal as they do the health of every other family member.
Consider the following statistics about Americans and their pets:
- 46.3 million American households have a dog. This means that somewhere between 37% and 47% of American households have a dog.
- 76.43 million cats in America means that the U.S. has more felines than any other country in the world.
- 84% of American cats are spayed or neutered.
- Americans spend $20.46 billion on pet food each year.
- Americans spend $12.56 billion on pet supplies and medication that is purchased over-the-counter each year.
- Americans spend $13.59 billion on vet care each year.
Statistically, it is obvious that American pet owners care about their animals. The loss of a pet can be as devastating as the loss of any other family owner. Because of their importance it just makes sense that Americans would also like to care for the health of the dogs and cats that live in their home.
For families who treat their pets like members of the family it is not uncommon to purchase special foods for these animals. Gourmet meals for both cats and dogs, in fact, can be custom created to cater to the health needs and allergies of individual pets. Likewise, pet wellness plans can help owners care for their pets in a predictable way. Monthly payments for insurance make it easier for an owner to make sure that the cat or dog are taken in for regular check ups, as well as for vet visits when something is out of the ordinary.
Pet health is a major priority to families who care about their animals. Although some families have to limit the expense of costly surgery and long term care for animals, few families argue about finding the money for annual health check ups and required shots. Pet health insurance makes these necessary visits more predictable, as well as more affordable.