Owners of pugs should be aware of the fact that simple dog health problems could turn fatal if not treated early. Simple dog health problems such as acting lethargic, not eating, or a slight wheeze or snore, might be a warning sign that your pug is experiencing a potentially fatal illness or problem. Understanding what dog health problems to look for could be the difference between a healthy and happy dog, and one that is living a life of pain and agony.
Many pug health problems happen as a result of their inability to breathe. Watch for any indication that the pug is having difficulty breathing. Symptoms that serve as an indication that there are potential dog health problems include snoring while sleeping, wheezing when there has been very little movement or activity, or excessive coughing. All of these symptoms are early indicators that there may be pug health problems that are causing the dog to not be able to breathe.
Another common dog health problem related to pugs is the potential to suffer from heatstroke. The thick skin on a pug makes them easy targets for overheating. Pug owners should watch for signs of overheating, especially during the summer months. Dog health problems that could be a sign of overheating include dry mouth, loss of balance, rapid breathing, and excessive saliva.
The last common dog health problem that could be fatal to pugs is a heartworm infestation. Heartworm infestations are caused by a parasite that attacks the major organs of the pug. When it attacks the major organs it can result in death. Heartworm infestations are treatable if caught early. Dog health problems that could be a sign of a heartworm infestation include loss of appetite, and a sudden decrease in stamina.
Many dog health problems are treatable if caught early enough. Pug owners should be aware of some of the dog health problems their pet could suffer from and keep an eye out for symptoms. If there is any indication of an existing dog health problem, the pug owner should take their pet to a vet for immediate treatment. It could be the difference between life and death.
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