Americans love pets; they?re our friends, our children, and best pals rolled into one. And the unconditional love. But there are health benefits to having a pet!
Pet Ownership is Healthy
An animal in the home can lower a child’s likelihood of developing animal allergies by a third. And in a study of more than 2,000 adults, results showed that dog owners who do most of the walking are less likely to be obese than those who delegate to someone else, or non dog owners.
In a National Pet Owners Survey, 64% of pet owners said the health benefits of owning pets are as important as companionship (66% of the survey takers said their pet was their best friend ? with 40% of dog owners citing companionship as the reason they own a dog). According to a survey of 1,000 family practitioners and GPs, nearly all doctors polled believe that pet ownership has health benefits and 60% would recommend a pet.
Dog? Cat? Does it Matter?
In the U.S., somewhere between 70 to 80 million dogs have homes, and between 74 to 96 million cats are owned. Almost 50% of all Americans have a dog, compared to the almost 40% who have a cat. In fact, by a margin of 70% to 20%, Americans think of themselves as “dog people,” rather than “cat people,? but cats are great too! Just petting a cat can lower your blood pressure!
Caring for Your Pet; They Care So Much for You
Sadly, 18.7% of dog owners did not take their dog(s) to the doctor for veterinary services in 2011, though veterinarians recommend yearly checkups for animals ages one to ten. You take your child to the doctor! Just as with humans, preventative care is so important.
Veterinarians can find evidence of dental disease in many animals as early as 2-3 years of age, heading off problems before they arise. This and other common ailments can be avoided by just taking your animal in for regularly veterinary services. Another example, puppies should be vaccinated at two, three and four months of age, and then once a year with a combination vaccine (called a ?5-in-1?). Your local animal hospital or urgent pet care can help you with puppy vaccinations and vaccination recommendations.
Dogs? average lifespans vary from 8 to 16 years of age, depending on the breed type, size, genetic predispositions, and preventive care. Spaying is another thing that can be done to protect your animals? health. Spaying helps prevent breast cancer and uterine infections for your pet, which is major, as breast cancer is fatal in about half of all dogs and almost all cats. Also, not only does spaying and neutering your male cat or dog preventing unwanted litters, if done prior to six month of age, it prevents testicular cancer.
You love your pet. When was the last time they had tests and vaccinations? Isn?t it time to make an appointment at your local and convenient pet clinic for veterinary services?
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